There is no doubt that thoughts affect behaviours and emotions. Live Altitude is a blog that posts stories that build the human spirit. We publish stories that heal, inspires, motivates, and Stories that make people discover that they could be more accomplished in life than they ever could have imagined. Get inspired with Life Altitude!Features of Live Altitude App Inspiration : This App contains lots of inspirational stories. Sometimes life experience makes people sad and depress, but with lots of inspirational stories in this app readers will awake to new possibilities by allowing the stories to transcend their ordinary experiences and limitations. Inspirational stories propels a person from apathy to possibility, and transforms the way we perceive our own capabilities.Motivation: Are you giving up in life? Are you losing hope? Then motivational stories of this App are for you. Motivational Stories enhance ones creativity, it reduces fear and apprehension, it offers a new outlook on things, and helps you meet other people who have similar experience as you. Motivational stories in this App can indeed persuade readers to take a new course in Life.INSIGHTS AND OVERSIGHTS: Human thought are very powerful and contribution a lot to how we live our lives. This App contains stories that would prevent people from the following unhelpful pattern of thinking. 1. Black and white thinking2. Over generalization3. Emotionally reasoning4. Rigid rule keeping5. Castratophising6. Labeling and self labellingHEROES AND PERSONALITIES: No society is complete, without reflecting about the lives of important men and women who have made impart in the Society. The lives of our heroes past is meant to inspire and motivate present and future generations. This App contains lots of stories on some great people in the society.